Postdoctoral Fellows Program

Postdoctoral Fellows Program

Three postdoctoral fellow programs that support outstanding scientists offer a unique opportunity for selected scholars to engage in a three-year fellowship of interdisciplinary research at the Beckman Institute.

Postdoctoral student works in the MRI suite of the Beckman Institute.

Applications for Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships for 2020 are no longer being accepted.


Three postdoctoral fellow programs that support outstanding scientists at the Beckman Institute offer a unique opportunity for selected scholars to engage in a three-year fellowship of interdisciplinary research at the Beckman Institute.

The Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellows Program recruits four to six outstanding scientists annually to work at the Beckman Institute. The program was established in 1991 by the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation.

The Carle Foundation Hospital-Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Fellows Program selects one or two outstanding scientists approximately every three years to work on translational biomedical research. The program began in 2008 with funding from Carle Foundation Hospital.

The Beckman-Brown Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellows Program selects one outstanding researcher annually. The program was initiated in the fall of 2015, when the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation provided an endowment in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Beckman and the founding director of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Dr. Theodore “Ted” Brown.

For all programs, Fellows are selected in accordance with the core values of the Beckman Institute: Excellence, Collaboration, Integrity, Transdisciplinarity, Exploration, and Diversity.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Ph.D. degree or equivalent within the last 10 years.
  • Relevance of the proposed research plan to the portfolio of the Beckman Institute.
  • Application package includes four letters of reference:
    • Two letters regarding the applicant’s prior work experience
    • Two letters from the proposed Beckman Institute faculty mentors/collaborators, with at least one being a full-time or part-time member of the Beckman Institute faculty
      • Letters from proposed Beckman Institute faculty mentors/collaborators should explain how the faculty member intends to support the applicant’s research plan.

Program Summary

Current Postdoc Fellows

Former Postdoc Fellows