Monica Fabiani
Primary Affiliation
Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and ResilienceAffiliations
Status Full-time Faculty
Home Department of Psychology
Phone 244-1117
Email mfabiani@illinois.edu
Address 2151 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Monica Fabiani received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990. She is a professor in the University of Illinois Department of Psychology and a full-time faculty member in the Beckman Institute Cognitive Neuroscience Group. Her fields of professional interest are cognitive neuroscience, memory, and aging.
President-Elect (2006-2007), President (2007-2008), and Past-President (2008-2009) of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR); Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS) (2006); Foundations of Augmented Cognition Award, DARPA, (2005); Robert S. Daniel Junior Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (1998); and Psi-Chi Outstanding Professor of the Year Award (1997).
Monica Fabiani's research interests are in the cognitive neuroscience of human memory and aging, as well as in the development of tools for the non-invasive mapping of human brain function. As is typical of the cognitive neuroscience approach, her research involves the integration of data from different domains, including behavioral responses, neuropsychological tests, and brain anatomy and function (event-related brain potentials, or ERPs; structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI; and optical imaging, including near infrared spectroscopy, or NIRS, and a new technique developed by Gabriele Gratton (CNS Group) and Fabiani, the event-related optical signals, or EROS).
Fabiani's current research encompasses several interconnected lines: (1) Research on the neurophysiological and psychological bases of sensory and working memory in normal aging, with particular reference to frontal lobe/executive function and individual differences among younger and older adults; (2) an extension of this research to the effects of alcohol on executive function; (3) research on the development of a new non-invasive optical brain imaging method (the event-related optical signal - EROS) and its integration with currently existing methods; and (4) research on the application of optical methods (EROS and near-infrared spectroscopy - NIRS) to issues of aging research, with emphasis on neurovascular coupling.
- Fabiani, M.; Gordon, B. A.; Maclin, E. L.; Pearson, M. A.; Brumback-Peltz, C. R.; Low, K. A.; McAuley, E.; Sutton, B. P.; Kramer, A. F.; Gratton, G., Neurovascular Coupling in Normal Aging: A Combined Optical, ERP and FMRI Study. Neuroimage 2014, 85, 592-607, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.113.
- Walker, J. A.; Low, K. A.; Cohen, N. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., When Memory Leads the Brain to Take Scenes at Face Value: Face Areas Are Reactivated at Test by Scenes That Were Paired with Faces at Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014, 8, 12, DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00018.
- Zimmerman, B.; Sutton, B. P.; Low, K. A.; Fletcher, M. A.; Tan, C. H.; Schneider-Garces, N.; Li, Y. F.; Ouyang, C.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Cardiorespiratory Fitness Mediates the Effects of Aging on Cerebral Blood Flow. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2014, 6, DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00059.
- Baniqued, P. L.; Low, K. A.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Frontoparietal Traffic Signals: A Fast Optical Imaging Study of Preparatory Dynamics in Response Mode Switching. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2013, 25, (6), 887-902, DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_00341.
- Baniqued, P. L.; Low, K. A.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Frontoparietal Traffic Signals: A Fast Optical Imaging Study of Preparatory Dynamics in Response Mode Switching. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2013, 25, (6), 887-902.
- Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Aging, Working Memory and Attention Control: A Tale of Two Processing Streams?, In Principles of Frontal Lobe Function: Second Edition Stuss, D. T., Knight, R. T., Eds.; Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2013, Ch. 34, 582-592.
- Fleming, K. A.; Bartholow, B. D.; Sable, J.; Pearson, M.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Effects of Alcohol on Sequential Information Processing: Evidence for Temporal Myopia. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2013, 27, (1), 184-190.
- Fletcher, M.; Boyd, R.; Low, K.; Schneider-Garces, N.; Freeman, A.; Northrup, E.; Hopman, R.; Ventrella, C.; Zimmerman, B.; Tan, C. H.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Hippocampal Subfields Anatomy in Healthy Older Adults. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2013 54-54.
- Lee, J. V.; Maclin, E. L.; Low, K. A.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M.; Clayton, D. F., Noninvasive Diffusive Optical Imaging of the Auditory Response to Birdsong in the Zebra Finch. Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 2013, 199, (3), 227-238.
- Li, L.; Gratton, C.; Fabiani, M.; Knight, R. T., Age-Related Frontoparietal Changes During the Control of Bottom-up and Top-Down Attention: An ERP Study. Neurobiology of Aging 2013, 34, (2), 477-488.
- Fabiani, M., It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: A Psychophysiologist's View of Cognitive Aging. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, (3), 283-304.
- Fabiani, M., Mens Sana in Corpore Sano: Aging, Cerebrovascular Health, and Cardiorespiratory Fitness. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, S8-S8.
- Fletcher, M. A.; Low, K. A.; Schneider-Garces, N.; Weng, T.; Boyd, R.; Zimmerman, B.; Tan, C. H.; Gordon, B.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Relationships between Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Brain Anatomy, and Cognition in Healthy Older Adults. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, S63-S63.
- Gratton, S.; Fabiani, M., Other Imaging Techniques for Studying Human Brain Function, In APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Vol. 1. Foundations, Planning, Measures, and Psychometrics; Cooper, H., Ed.; APA Books, Washington, DC, 2012.
- Lee, H. K.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R.; Boot, W. R.; Vo, L.; Basak, C.; Van Patter, M.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M.; Kramer, A. F., Videogame Training Strategy-Induced Change in Brain Function During a Complex Visuomotor Task. Behavioural Brain Research 2012, 232, 348-357.
- Lee, H.; Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R. S.; Neider, M.; Erickson, K. I.; Simons, D. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Low, K. A.; Kramer, A. F., Performance Gains from Directed Training Do Not Transfer to Untrained Tasks. Acta Psychologica 2012, 139, (1), 146-158.
- Lee, H.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R. S.; Boot, W. R.; Vo, L. T. K.; Basak, C.; VanPatter, M.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M.; Kramer, A. F., Videogame Training Strategy-Induced Change in Brain Function During a Complex Visuomotor Task. Behavioural Brain Research 2012, 232, (2), 348-357.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Basak, C.; Maclin, E. L.; Low, K. A.; Boot, W. R.; Kramer, A. F.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Different Slopes for Different Folks: Alpha and Delta EEG Power Predict Subsequent Video Game Learning Rate and Improvements in Cognitive Control Tasks. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, (12), 1558-1570.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Prudhomme, C.; Fabiani, M.; Beck, D. M.; Lleras, A.; Gratton, G., Making Waves in the Stream of Consciousness: Entraining Oscillations in EEG Alpha and Fluctuations in Visual Awareness with Rhythmic Visual Stimulation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2012, 24, (12), 2321-2333.
- Parks, N. A.; Maclin, E. L.; Low, K. A.; Beck, D. M.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Examining Cortical Dynamics and Connectivity with Simultaneous Single-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Fast Optical Imaging. Neuroimage 2012, 59, (3), 2504-2510.
- Prakash, R. S.; De Leon, A. A.; Mourany, L.; Lee, H.; Voss, M. W.; Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Kramer, A. F., Examining Neural Correlates of Skill Acquisition in a Complex Videogame Training Program. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012, 6, DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00115.
- Prakash, R. S.; DeLeon, A.; Mourany, L.; Lee, H.; Voss, M. W.; Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Kramer, A. F., Examining Neural Correlates of Skill Acquisition in a Complex Videogame Training Program. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012, 6, 115.
- Shin, E.; Brumback-Peltz, C.; Gordon, B. A.; McAuley, E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., The Effects of Aging and Physical Fitness on Working Memory Capacity. The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology 2012, 24, (2), 107-126.
- Tan, C. H.; Zimmerman, B.; Low, K. A.; Schneider-Garces, N.; Fletcher, M.; Weng, T.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Taking the Aging Pulse: Regional Arterial Elasticity in the Brain and Its Association with Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cognitive Ability and Brain Atrophy. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, S63-S63.
- Tse, C. Y.; Low, K. A.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Rules Rule! Brain Activity Dissociates the Representations of Stimulus Contingencies with Varying Levels of Complexity. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2012, 24, (9), 1941-1959.
- Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R. S.; Erickson, K. I.; Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Neider, M. B.; Simons, D. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Kramer, A. F., Effects of Training Strategies Implemented in a Complex Videogame on Functional Connectivity of Attentional Networks. Neuroimage 2012, 59, (1), 138-148.
- Zimmerman, B.; Tan, C. H.; Low, K. A.; Schneider-Garces, N.; Weng, T. B.; Fletcher, M. A.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Hemodynamic Response to Breath Holding in the Aging Brain Is Associated with Measures of Arterial Elasticity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, S63-S63.
- Brumback Peltz, C. R.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Age-Related Changes in Electrophysiological and Neuropsychological Indices of Working Memory, Attention Control, and Cognitive Flexibility. Frontiers in Cognition 2011, 2, 190.
- Maclin, E. L.; Mathewson, K. E.; Low, K. A.; Boot, W. R.; Kramer, A. F.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Learning to Multitask: Effects of Video Game Practice on Electrophysiological Indices of Attention and Resource Allocation. Psychophysiology 2011, 48, (9), 1173-1183.
- Maclin, E. L.; Mathewson, K. E.; Low, K. A.; Boot, W. R.; Kramer, A. F.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Learning to Multitask: Effects of Video Game Practice on Electrophysiological Indices of Attention and Resource Allocation. Psychophysiology 2011, 48, (9), 1173-1183.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Lleras, A.; Beck, D. M.; Fabiani, M.; Ro, T.; Gratton, G., Pulsed Out of Awareness: EEG Alpha oscillations represent a pulsed inhibition of ongoing cortical processing. Frontiers in Perception Science 2011, 2, (99), 10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00099.
- Vo, L. T. K.; Walther, D. B.; Kramer, A. F.; Erickson, K. I.; Boot, W. R.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R. S.; Lee, H.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Simons, D. J.; Sutton, B. P.; Wang, M. Y., Predicting Individuals' Learning Success from Patterns of Pre-Learning MRI Activity. PLOS One 2011, 6, (1).
- Ghinescu, R.; Stadler, M. A.; Schachtman, T.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Strategic behavior without awareness? Effects of implicit learning in the Eriksen flanker paradigm. Memory & Cognition 2010, 38, (2), 197-205.
- Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Fast optical imaging of human brain function. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2010, 4:52. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2010.00052.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Beck, D. M.; Lleras, A., Making waves in the stream of consciousness: Eliciting predictable oscillations in visual awareness with pretarget entrainment at 12 Hz. Visual Cognition 2010, 18, (1), 137-141.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Beck, D. M.; Lleras, A., Rescuing stimuli from invisibility: Inducing a momentary release from visual masking with pre-target entrainment. Cognition 2010, 115, (1), 186-191.
- Schneider-Garces, N. J.; Gordon, B. A.; Brumback-Peltz, C. R.; Shin, E.; Lee, Y.; Sutton, B. P.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Span, CRUNCH, and Beyond: Working Memory Capacity and the Aging Brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2010, 22, (4), 655-669.
- Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Erickson, K. I.; Neider, M.; Simons, D. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R.; Lee, H.; Low, K. A.; Kramer, A. F., Transfer of skill engendered by complex task training under conditions of variable priority. Acta Psychologica 2010, 135, (3), 349-357.
- Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Erickson, K. I.; Neider, M.; Simons, D. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R.; Lee, H.; Low, K. A.; Kramer, A. F., Transfer of Skill Engendered By Complex Task Training under Conditions of Variable Priority. Acta Psychologica 2010, 135, (3), 349-357.
- Erickson, K. I.; Boot, W. R.; Basak, C.; Neider, M. B.; Prakash, R. S.; Voss, M. W.; Graybiel, A. M.; Simons, D. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Kramer, A. F., Striatal Volume Predicts Level of Video Game Skill Acquisition. Cerebral Cortex 2010, 20, (11), 2522-2530.
- Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Fast optical imaging of human brain function. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2010, 4:52. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2010.00052.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Low, K. A.; Maclin, E. L.; Stanley, T.; Basak, C.; Kramer, A. F.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Who Will Learn Best? Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive Control Predict Subsequent Complex Task Learning in the Space Fortress Game. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S28-S28.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Prudhomme, C.; Fabiani, M.; Beck, D. M.; Gratton, G.; Lleras, A., Entraining Neural Oscillations with Rhythmic Visual Stimulation Elicits Simultaneous Fluctuations in Visual Awareness. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S28-S28.
- Parks, N. A.; Maclin, E. L.; Beck, D. M.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Assessing Human Brain Function with Simultaneous Optical Imaging and Tms. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S28-S28.
- Schneider-Garces, N.; Low, K.; Maclin, E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Taking the Pulse of Aging: Fitness, Vascular Elasticity and Cerebral Health. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S27-S27.
- Tse, C. Y.; Gordon, B. A.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Frequency analysis of the visual steady-state response measured with the fast optical signal in younger and older adults. Biological Psychology 2010, 85, (1), 79-89.  doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.05.007
- Tse, C. Y.; Gratton, G.; Garnsey, S. M.; Novak, M. A.; Fabiani, M., Read My Lips? Dissociating Audiovisual Integration and Deviance Detection with Event-Related Optical Signals (Eros). Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S27-S27.
- Tse, C. Y.; Gratton, G.; Garnsey, S. M.; Novak, M. A.; Fabiani, M., Read My Lips? Dissociating Audiovisual Integration and Deviance Detection with Event-Related Optical Signals (Eros). Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S27-S27.
- Wlotko, E. W.; Federmeier, K. D.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., The Event-Related Optical Signal Reveals Contralateral and Ipsilateral Brain Activity over Time During Lateralized Processing of Words. Psychophysiology 2010, 47, S29-S29.
- Gordon, B. A.; Brumback, C.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., The Default Network: Not So Default. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S108-S108.
- Gratton, G.; Wee, E.; Rykhlevskaia, E. I.; Leaver, E. E.; Fabiani, M., Does White Matter Matter? Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Task Switching in Aging. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2009, 21, (7), 1380-1395.
- Gupta, R.; Duff, M. C.; Denburg, N. L.; Cohen, N. J.; Bechara, A.; Tranel, D., Declarative memory is critical for sustained advantageous complex decision-making. Neuropsychologia 2009, 47, (7), 1686-1693.
- Low, K. A.; Leaver, E. E.; Kramer, A. F.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Share or compete? Load-dependent recruitment of prefrontal cortex during dual-task performance. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, (5), 1069-1079.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Beck, D. M.; Ro, T.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Illuminating Awareness: Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Neural Dynamics of Metacontrast Masking Using the Event-Related Optical Signal. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S136-S136.
- Schneider-Garces, N.; Maclin, E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Movement Correction in Optical Data; Comparison between Feature Based and Principal Component Based Approach. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, S108-S108.
- Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Brain Imaging probes of the Cognitive and Physiological Effects of Aging. In Aging, Exercise, and Cognition Series: Volume III. Enhancing Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity, Chodzko-Zajko, W., Kramer, A.F., Poon, L., Ed. Human Kinetics Publishers: Champaign, IL, 2009; pp 1-14.
- Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Brain Imaging probes of the Cognitive and Physiological Effects of Aging. In Aging, Exercise, and Cognition Series: Volume III. Enhancing Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity, Chodzko-Zajko, W.; Kramer, A. F.; Poon, L., Eds. Human Kinetics Publishers: Champaign, IL, 2009; pp 1-14.
- Ghinescu, R., Stadler, M. A., Schachtman, T., Gratton, G., & Fabiani, M. Strategic behavior without awareness? Effects of implicit learning in the Eriksen flanker paradigm.  Memory & Cognition. (in press)
- Gratton, G. & Fabiani, M. Fast optical signals: Principles, methods, and experimental results (pp. 435-460).  In R. Frostig (Ed.), In Vivo Optical imaging of brain, 2nd edition.  CRC Press. 2009.
- Gratton, G., Rykhlevskaia, E., Wee, E., Leaver, E., & Fabiani, M., Does white matter matter? Spatiotemporal dynamics of task switching in aging. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2009, 21, (7), 1380-1395.
- Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Fast optical signals: Principles, methods, and experimental results. In In Vivo Optical imaging of brain, 2nd edition, Frostig, R., Ed. CRC Press: 2009.
- Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Fast optical signals: Principles, methods, and experimental results. In In Vivo Optical imaging of brain, 2nd edition, Frostig, R., Ed. CRC Press: 2009; pp 435-460.
- Low, K. A.; Leaver, E.; Kramer, A. F.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Share or compete? Load-dependent recruitment of prefrontal cortex during dual-task performance. Psychophysiology 2009, 46, 1-11.
- Mathewson, K. E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M.; Beck, D. M.; Ro, T., To See or Not to See: Prestimulus alpha Phase Predicts Visual Awareness. Journal of Neuroscience 2009, 29, (9), 2725-2732.
- Mathewson, K., Gratton, G., Fabiani, M., Beck, D., & Ro, A. (2009).  To See or Not to See: Pre-stimulus Alpha Phase Predicts Visual Awareness. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(8), 2725-2732.  Reviewed in the Journal Club of the Journal of Neuroscience: Wyart,V, & Sergent, C. (in press). The Phase of Ongoing EEG Oscillations Uncovers the Fine Temporal Structure of Conscious Perception. The Journal of Neuroscience, Month ??, 2009 • 29(XX):XXX–XXX • 1
- Schneider-Garces, N.J. Gordon, B.A. Brumback-Peltz, C.R., Shin, E., Lee, Y., Sutton, B.P., Maclin, E.L. Gratton, G. & Fabiani, M.  Span, CRUNCH and beyond: working memory capacity and the aging brain.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.  Reviewed in Faculty of 1000 Biology: evaluations for Schneider-Garces NJ et al J Cogn Neurosci 2009 Mar 25 (in press).
- Boot, W. R.; Kramer, A. F.; Simons, D. J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., The effects of video game playing on attention, memory, and executive control. Acta Psychologica 2008, 129, (3), 387-398.
- Czernochowski, D.; Fabiani, M.; Friedman, D., Use it or lose it? SES mitigates age-related decline in a recency/recognition task. Neurobiology of Aging 2008, 29, (6), 945-958.
- Gordon, B. A.; Rykhlevskaia, E. I.; Brumback, C. R.; Lee, Y.; Elavsky, S.; Konopack, J. F.; McAuley, E.; Kramer, A. F.; Colcombe, S.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Neuroanatomical correlates of aging, cardiopulmonary fitness level, and education. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, (5), 825-838.
- Gratton, G. & Fabiani, M.  The Event-related Optical Signal (EROS) and Augmented Cognition.  Augmented Cognition International Quarterly Newsletter, 2008,  4(3), 6,14.
- Gratton, G., Low, K. A., & Fabiani, M., Time course of executive processes: Data from the event-related optical signal (EROS).  In S. A. Bunge & J. D. Wallis (Eds.), Perspectives on Rule-Guided Behavior 2008, (pp. 197-223) New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Gratton, G.; Kramer, A.; Fabiani, M., Brain sensors and measures. In Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Schmorrow, D. D., Stanney, K.M., Ed. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES): Santa Monica, CA, 2008; pp 1-26.
- Ombao, H.; Shao, X. F.; Rykhlevskaia, E.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Spatio-Spectral Analysis of Brain Signals. Statistica Sinica 2008, 18, (4), 1465-1482.
- Rykhlevskaia, E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Combining structural and functional neuroimaging data for studying brain connectivity: A review. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, (2), 173-187.
- Shin, E.; Wan, X. I.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Lleras, A., Electrophysiological evidence of feature-based inhibition of focused attention across consecutive trials. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, (5), 804-811.
- Tse, C. Y.; Gordon, B. A.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Frequency analysis of fast optical signals in a working memory task. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S24-S24.
- Whalen, C.; Maclin, E. L.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Validation of a Method for Coregistering Scalp Recording Locations With 3D Structural MR Images. Human Brain Mapping 2008, 29, (11), 1288-1301.
- Fabiani, M., Gratton, G., & Federmeier, K. (2007). Event related brain potentials.  In J. Cacioppo, L. Tassinary, & G. Berntson (Eds.), Handbook of Psychophysiology,  (3rd Edition) 2007,  (pp. 85-119). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
- Fabiani, M.; Schmorrow, D. D.; Gratton, G., Optical imaging of the intact human brain - A view from the guest editors. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2007, 26, (4), 14-16.
- Gallagher, A.; Thériault, M.; Maclin, E.; Low, K.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M.; Gagnon, L.; Valois, K.; Rouleau, I.; Sauerwein, H. C.; Carmant, L.; Nguyen, D. K.; Lortie, A.; Lepore, F.; Béland, R.; Lassonde, M., Near-infrared spectroscopy as an alternative to the Wada test for language mapping in children, adults and special populations. Epileptic Disorders 2007, 9, (3), 241-255.
- Gordon, B. A.; Rykhlevskaia, E. I.; Brumback, C. R.; McAuley, E.; Kramer, A. F.; Colcombe, S.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., The effects of education and physical fitness on brain anatomy. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S54-S55.
- Gratton, G., & Fabiani, M. (2007).  Optical Imaging.  In R. Parasuraman & M. Rizzo (Eds.) Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work. 2007, (pp. 65-81).  Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
- Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., When structure meets function: New frontiers in neuroimaging. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S15-S15.
- Maclin, E. L.; Low, K. A.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Improving the signal-to-noise ratio of event-related optical signals - Varying modulation frequency and wavelength for improved study of brain function. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2007, 26, (4), 47-51.
- Sable, J. J.; Low, K. A.; Whalen, C. J.; Maclin, E. L.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Optical imaging of temporal integration in human auditory cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience 2007, 25, (1), 298-306.
- Schneider, N. J.; Eunsam, S.; Gordon, B. A.; Brumback, C. R.; Lee, Y.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Effects of parametric changes in working memory load on the bold and ERP response in young and old adults. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S55-S55.
- Shin, E.; Wan, X. I.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Lleras, A., Electrophysiological evidence of inter-trial inhibition of focused attention. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S55-S55.
- Tse, C. Y.; Low, K. A.; Agran, J.; Arroyo, G.; Jackson, C.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Dissociating brain responses to implicit rules of varying complexity. Psychophysiology 2007, 44, S55-S55.
- Tse, C.-Y., Lee, C.-L., Sullivan, J., Garnsey, S., Dell, G. S., Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G. Imaging the Cortical Dynamics of Language Processing with the Event-related Optical Signal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2007,  104(43), 17157–17162.
- Brumback, C. R.; Gordon, B. A.; Schneider, N. J.; Lee, Y.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Working memory capacity and age differences in the antisaccade task: An EROS study. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S27-S27.
- Fabiani, M., Low, K. A., Wee, E., Sable, J. J., & Gratton, G. Reduced suppression or labile memory? Mechanisms of inefficient filtering of irrelevant information in older adults. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2006, 18(4), 637-650.
- Fabiani, M., Multiple Electrophysiological Indices of Distinctiveness. In Distinctiveness and Memory; Hunt, R.R.;Worthen, J.B., Eds.; Oxford University Press: Cambridge, MA, (2006).
- Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Electrophysiological and Optical Measures of Cognitive Aging. In Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging; Cabeza, R.; Nyberg, L.; Park, D., Eds.; Oxford University Press: Cambridge, MA, (in press).
- Gordon, B. A.; Schneider, N. J.; Brumback, C. R.; Rykhlevskaia, E. I.; Scalf, P.; Doerksen, S. E.; Morris, K. S.; McAuley, E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., The effects of cardiovascular fitness in older adults on a Sternberg memory search paradigm: An fMRI study. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S42-S42.
- Gratton, G., Brumback, C. R., Gordon, B.A., Pearson, M.A., Low, K. A. & Fabiani, M. . Effects of measurement method, wavelength, and source-detector distance on the fast optical signal.  NeuroImage, 2006, 32, 1576-1590.
- Gratton, G., Low, K. A., Maclin, E. L., Brumback, C. R., Gordon, B. A., & M. Fabiani (2006).  Time course of activation of human occipital cortex measured with the event-related optical signal (EROS).  Biomedical Optics 2006 Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 2006), MD4.
- Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Non-invasive Fast Optical Imaging in Humans. In Scattered Light Imaging of Brain Function for the Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience Series; Rector, D.M.; George, J.S., Eds.; Humana Press: Totowa, NJ, (in press).
- Kramer, A. F., Fabiani, M., & Colcombe, S. (2006).  Contributions of cognitive neuroscience to the understanding of behavior and aging.  In  J. E. Birren & K. W. Schaie (Eds.) Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, Sixth Edition (pp. 57-83).  New York, NY: Academic Press.
- Leaver, E. E.; Low, K. A.; Jackson, C.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Spatiotemporal dynamics of global/local processing: An event-related optical imaging study. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S57-S57.
- Low, K. A., Leaver, E., Kramer, A. F., Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G. Fast optical imaging of frontal cortex during active and passive oddball tasks.  Psychophysiology, 2006, 43, 127-136.
- Low, K. A.; Leaver, E. E.; Agran, J.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Exploring the spatiotemporal dynamics of brain regions involved in task preparation: A synthesis of four fast event-related optical imaging studies. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S60-S60.
- Maclin, E. L.; Low, K. A.; Lee, Y.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Increased modulation frequency improves the signal-to-noise ratio of the event related optical signal (EROS). Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S61-S61.
- Maclin, E.L., Low, K.A., Sable, J.J., Fabiani M., and Gratton, G., The Event Related Optical Signal (EROS) to Electrical Stimulation of the Median Nerve. NeuroImage, (in press).
- Rykhlevskaia, E. I.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Age-related changes in frontal and parietal interhemispheric connectivity revealed by diffusion tensor imaging. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S84-S84.
- Rykhlevskaia, E., Fabiani, M., Gratton, G. Lagged covariance structure models for studying functional connectivity in the brain.  NeuroImage, 2006, 30(4), 1203-1218.
- Sable, J.J.; Low, K.A.; Maclin, E.L.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Latent Inhibition Mediates N1 Attenuation to Repeating Sounds. Psychophysiology, (in press).
- Shin, E., Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G. (2006).  Multiple levels of stimulus representation in visual working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2006, 18(5), 844-858.
- Shin, E.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., Perceiving multiple items at once: Effects of what and how. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S90-S90.
- Shin, E.; Termini, L. R.; Brumback, C. R.; Gordon, B. A.; Lee, Y.; Morris, K. S.; Doerksen, S. E.; McAuley, E.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Effects of aging and physical fitness in a memory search task. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S90-S90.
- Tse, C. Y.; Lee, C. L.; Sullivan, J.; Agrawal, A.; Zarif, M.; Garnsey, S.; Dell, G. S.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G., An event-related optical signal (EROS) study of frontal and temporal cortices in processing semantic and syntactic anomaly during sentence comprehension. Psychophysiology 2006, 43, S99-S99.
- Bartholow, B. D., Pearson. M., Dickter, C., Sher, K. J., Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G.  Strategic Control and Medial Frontal Negativity in the Event-Related Brain Potential: Beyond Errors and Response Conflict.  Psychophysiology, 2005, 42, 33-42.
- Brumback, C. R., Low, K., Gratton, G., & Fabiani, M.  Putting things into perspective: Differences in working memory span and the integration of information.  Experimental Psychology, 2005, 52(1), 21-30.
- Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G. (2005).  Electrophysiological and optical measures of cognitive aging.  In R. Cabeza, L. Nyberg, & D. Park (Eds.). Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging. (pp. 85-106) Oxford University Press.
- Fabiani, M., Gratton, G., & Kramer, A. F. (2005).  The use of near infrared brain imaging methods to monitor cognitive states. Proceedings of the HCI International 2005 Conference (Volume 5 - Emergent Application Domains in HCI), Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Toronov V. Y., Zhang, X., Fabiani, M., Gratton, G. & Webb, A. G. (2005).  Signal and image processing techniques for functional near-infrared imaging of the human brain.  In V. V. Tuchin (Ed.). Proc. SPIE Vol. 5696, Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics II.
- Zhang, X., Toronov V. Y., Fabiani, M., Gratton, G. & Webb, A. G. (2005).  The study of cerebral hemodynamic and neuronal response to visual stimulation using simultaneous NIR optical tomography and BOLD fMRI in humans.  In K. E. Bartels, L. S. Bass, W.T. de Riese, K. W. Gregory, H. Hirschberg, A. Katzir, N. Kollias, S.  J. Madsen, R. S. Malek, K. M. McNally-Heintzelman, L. P. Tate, Jr., E. A. Trowers, B. J.-F. Wong (Eds.). Proc. SPIE Vol. 5686, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics (pp. 566-572).