Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Animal Sciences
Phone 333-2006
Email rdilger2@illinois.edu
- Almeida, J. A. S.; Ponnuraj, N. P.; Lee, J. J.; Utterback, P.; Gaskins, H. R.; Dilger, R. N.; Pettigrew, J. E., Effects of Dietary Clays on Performance and Intestinal Mucus Barrier of Broiler Chicks Challenged with Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhimurium and on Goblet Cell Function in Vitro. Poultry Science 2014, 93, (4), 839-847, DOI: 10.3382/ps.2013-03587.
- Radlowski, E. C.; Conrad, M. S.; Lezmi, S.; Dilger, R. N.; Sutton, B.; Larsen, R.; Johnson, R. W., A Neonatal Piglet Model for Investigating Brain and Cognitive Development in Small for Gestational Age Human Infants. Plos One 2014, 9, (3), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091951.
- Dilger, R. N.; Bryant-Angeoni, K.; Payne, R. L.; Lemme, A.; Parsons, C. M., Dietary Guanidino Acetic Acid is an Efficacious Replacement for Arginine for Young Chicks. Poultry Science 2013, 92, (1), 171-177.
- Johnson, R. W.; Donovan, S. M.; Dilger, R. N., Manganese Neurotoxicity May Underlie the Association between Early Life Iron Deficiency and Impaired Spatial Cognition in Neonatal Piglets Reply. Journal of Nutrition 2013, 143, (4), 549-549.
- Panasevich, M. R.; Serao, M. C. R.; de Godoy, M. R. C.; Swanson, K. S.; Guerin-Deremaux, L.; Lynch, G. L.; Wils, D.; Fahey, G. C.; Dilger, R. N., Potato Fiber as a Dietary Fiber Source in Dog Foods. Journal of Animal Science 2013, 91, (11), 5344-5352, DOI: 10.2527/jas.2013-6842.
- Elmore, M. R. P.; Dilger, R. N.; Johnson, R. W., Place and Direction Learning in a Spatial T-Maze Task by Neonatal Piglets. Animal Cognition 2012, 15, (4), 667-676.
- Faber, T. A.; Dilger, R. N.; Hopkins, A. C.; Price, N. P.; Fahey, G. C., Effects of Oligosaccharides in a Soybean Meal-Based Diet on Fermentative and Immune Responses in Broiler Chicks Challenged with Eimeria Acervulina. Poultry Science 2012, 91, (12), 3132-3140.
- Faber, T. A.; Dilger, R. N.; Iakiviak, M.; Hopkins, A. C.; Price, N. P.; Fahey, G. C., Ingestion of a Novel Galactoglucomannan Oligosaccharide-Arabinoxylan (GGMO-AX) Complex Affected Growth Performance and Fermentative and Immunological Characteristics of Broiler Chicks Challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium. Poultry Science 2012, 91, (9), 2241-2254.
- Rytych, J. L.; Elmore, M. R. P.; Burton, M. D.; Conrad, M. S.; Donovan, S. M.; Dilger, R. N.; Johnson, R. W., Early Life Iron Deficiency Impairs Spatial Cognition in Neonatal Piglets. Journal of Nutrition 2012, 142, (11), 2050-2056.