Deana C. McDonagh
Primary Affiliation
Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and ResilienceAffiliations
Status Full-time Faculty
Home School of Art and Design
Phone 333-1459
Email mcdonagh@illinois.edu
Address 1534 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Dr. Deana McDonagh is an Associate Professor of Industrial Design in the School of Art + Design at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) and faculty at the Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology. Prior to joining the University of Illinois she was a Reader in User-Centred Design at Loughborough University in the UK. She is an Empathic Design Research Strategist who focuses on enhancing quality of life for all through more intuitive and meaningful products, leading to emotional sustainability. Her research concentrates on emotional user-product relationships and how empathy can bring the designer closer to users’ authentic needs.
Dr. McDonagh's research concentrates on interdisciplinary projects that explore visual data that can support the development of more effective products outcomes. She is currently working with Benjamin Grosser using virtual environments to design a kitchen of the future. Previous collaboration has focused on Industrial Design students employing the facilities at the Imaging Technology Group to develop products that will enhance the quality of life for members of the wider community.
- McDonagh, D.; Thomas, J., Innovating Alongside Designers. Australasian Medical Journal 2013, 6, (1), 29-35.
- McDonagh, D.; Thomas, J., Shared Language: Towards More Effective Communication. Australasian Medical Journal 2013, 6, (1), 46-54.
- Thomas, J.; McDonagh, D., Empathic Design: Research Strategies. Australasian Medical Journal. Australasian Medical Journal 2013, 6, (1), 1-6.
- Thomas, J.; McDonagh, D.; Strickfaden, M., Empathic Education in Design: Strategies for Healthcare Practitioners? Australasian Medical Journal 2013, 5, (5), 292-300
- McDonagh, D.; Formosa, D., Designing for everyone, one person at a time. In The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change, Kohlbacher, F.; Herstatt, C., Eds. Springer Verlag: Berlin, 2011; pp 91-100.
- McDonagh, D.; Thomas, J., Design + Empathy = Intuitive Design Outcomes. Design Journal: An International Referred Journal of All Aspects of Design 2011, 14, (2), 147-150.
- McDonagh, D.; Thomas, J., Disability plus Relevant Design: Empathic Design Strategies Supporting More Effective New Product Design Outcomes. Design Journal 2010, 13, (2), 180-198.
- McDonagh, D.; Thomas, J., Rethinking design thinking: Empathy Supporting Innovation. Australasian Medical Journal 2010, 3, (8), 458-464.
- McDonagh, D.; Thomas, J.; Khuri, L.; Sears, S.; Pena-Mora, F., Emphathic Design Research Strategy: People with Disabilities Designing For All. In Handbook of Research on Trends in Product Design and Development: Technological & Organizational Perspectives., Silva, A.; Simoes, R., Eds. IGI Global: Hershey, PA, 2010; pp 58-79.
- McDonagh, D.; Denton, H.; Chapman, J., Special Edition, “Design and Emotion” of the Journal of Engineering Design. Taylor & Francis: London, 2009; Vol. 20(5), p 433-435.
- McDonagh, D., Empathic Design: Disability + Relevant Design. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Natural Science) 2009, 33, 24-29.
- Campbell, L. H.; McDonagh, D., Visual Narrative Research Methods as Performance in Industrial Design Education. Qualitative Inquiry 2009, 15, (3), 587-606.
- Campbell, L.; McDonagh, D., Implementing Empathic Methods in Design Research Education. Qualitative Inquiry 15 (5) (in press).
- McDonagh, D.; Barnhart, T., Integrar Empatia no Processo do Design: Uma Mudança de Paradigma (Integrating Empathy in the Designing Process: A Paradigm Shift). Estudos em Design (submitted and pending).
- McDonagh, D.; Khuri, L.; Heft Sears, S.; Thomas, J.; Pena-Mora, F., Empathic Design Research: People with Disabilities Designing For All. In Handbook of Research on Trends in Product Design and Development: Technological & Organizational Perspectives; Silva, A, Simoes, R., Eds.; IGI Global, Hershey, Pa. (work in progress)
- Vostral, S.; McDonagh, D., A Feminist Inventor’s Studio. In Feminist Technology; Layne L, Vostral S., Boyer K., Eds.; University of Illinois Press, Champaign, Illinois. (in press).
- Malins, J.; McDonagh, D., A Grand Day Out: Empathic Approaches to Design. The International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2008; 105-109.
- Weightman, D.; McDonagh, D., Users connecting with the design process: Has the paradigm shifted? The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design Conference and The Industrial Design Society of America Educational Symposium, San Francisco, Oct. 17-20, 2007; 271-277.
- McDonagh, D., Empathic research approaches: the support the designer: a supra-qualitative research for designing model. Design Issues 2006.
- Denton, H; McDonagh, D. An exercise in symbiosis: undergraduate designers and a company product development team working together. The Design Journal 2005, 8, (1), 41-51.
- Grosser, B.; McDonagh, D., Relevant Design: Enhancing Quality of Life through the fusion of Art, Science and Technology. In IMPACT: Synergy of Design, Technology and Business, 2005, McDonagh, D., Ed.; IDSA.
- Lopez, R,; McDonagh, D.; Creativity Workshop: When is a Chair more than a Chair? In IMPACT: Synergy of Design, Technology and Business, 2005, McDonagh, D., Ed.; IDSA, 2005.
- McDonagh, D.; Campbell, L., Research methodology in graduate industrial design education curricula. The 4th Symposium Doctoral Education in Design conference, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University, Arizona, June 25-28, 2005; 255-265.
- McDonagh, D.; Denton, H., Exploring the degree to which individual students share a common perception of specific mood boards: observations relating to teaching, learning and team-based design. Design Studies 2005, 26, (1), 35-53.
- McDonagh, D.; Fekete, Al., Hearing the Unheard Voices of the Wider Community: Community Based Learning. In IMPACT: Synergy of Design, Technology and Business, 2005, McDonagh, D., Ed.; IDSA.
- McDonagh, D.; Goggin, N.; Squier, J., Signs, Symbols, and Subjectivity: An Alternative View of the Visual. Computers and Composition 2005, 22, (1), 79-86.
- McDonagh, D.; Storer, I., Mood boards as a design catalyst and resource: researching an under-researched area. Design Journal 2005, 7, (3), 16-31.
- McDonagh, D.; Wilson, L.; Haslam, C.; Weightman, D., Good vibrations: Do electric therapeutic massagers really work? Ergonomics 2005, 48, (6), 680-691.
- Watson B.; McDonagh D., Lost in Translation. In IMPACT: Synergy of Design, Technology and Business, 2005, McDonagh, D., Ed.; IDSA.
- McDonagh, D.; Weightman, D., Industrial Design Education: British Perspective. Industrial Designers Society of America. In the proceedings (Cullen C.,Ed.) of National Education Conference, Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Oct. 24-26, 2004; 157-163.
- Watson, B.; McDonagh, D., Supra-functionality: Responding to Users needs beyond the functional. Engineering Designer: The Journal of the Institution of Engineering Designers Journal, 2004, Sep./Oct., 8-11.
- Weightman, D.; McDonagh, D., Supra-functional factors in sustainable products. Third International Conference on Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, Sept. 1-2, 2004; 91-101.
- Denton, H.; McDonagh, D.; Baker, S.; Wormald, P., Introducing the student designer to the role of emotion in design.  In Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, 2003, McDonagh, D.; Hekkert, P.; van Erp, J.; Gyi.; D.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- Weightman, D.; McDonagh, D., People are Doing it for Themselves. In International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, Forlizzi, J, Hanington, B.; Ayoob, E. Eds.; ACM Press, Pittsburgh, Pa., 2003; 34-39.
- Woodcock, A.; McDonagh, D.; Torrens, G., E Emotional response to food packaging. In Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, 2003, McDonagh, D.; Hekkert, P.; van Erp, J.; Gyi.; D.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- Bruseberg, A.; McDonagh, D., Organising and conducting a focus group: the logistics. In Focus groups: supporting effective product development, 2003, Langford, J.; McDonagh, D. Eds.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- Bruseberg, A.; McDonagh, D.; Wormald, P., The use of images to elicit user needs for the design of playground equipment. In Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, 2003, McDonagh, D.; Hekkert, P.; van Erp, J.; Gyi.; D.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- Denton, H.; McDonagh, D., Using focus group methods to improve students’ design project research in schools: drawing parallels from action research at undergraduate level. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2003, 13 (3), 293-294.
- Langford, J.; McDonagh, D. Focus group tools. In Focus groups: supporting effective product development, 2003, Langford, J.; McDonagh, D. Eds.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- Langford, J.; McDonagh, D., Introduction. In Focus groups: supporting effective product development, 2003, Langford, J.; McDonagh, D. Eds.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- McDonagh, D.; Bruseberg, A., Focus groups in new product development: designers’ perspective. In Focus groups: supporting effective product development, 2003, Langford, J.; McDonagh, D. Eds.; Taylor and Francis, London.
- McDonagh, D.; Lebbon, C., Workshop – The Pleasure Zone: Exploring Day-to-Day Living. International Council of the Societies of Industrial Design: National Design News, 2003, Oct-Dec (18), 5-6.
- McDonagh, D.; Reid, A., Living with Urinary Incontinence: Placing the individual at the heart of design research and product development. The Column: A quarterly journal for the National Back Exchange, 2003, 15 (3), 24-27.
- McDonagh, D.; Torrens, G.E.; Reid, A., Meeting Needs Beyond the Functional: Living with Urinal Incontinence. The Ergonomist: the newsletter of the Ergonomics Society, 2003, 394 (4).
- McDonagh, D.; Weightman, D., If kettles are from Venus, and televisions are from Mars, where are cars from? In the proceedings of the 5th European Academy of Design conference, Barcelona, Spain, April, 2003; 151.
- Storer, I.; McDonagh, D.; Denton, H., A pain in the rear: an analysis of new undergraduates understanding and awareness of the role of ergonomics in the design process. In the Proceedings (McCabe P. T. Ed.) of the Ergonomic Society 2003 Annual Conference, London, April, 2003; Taylor and Francis, London; 437-442.
- Bruseberg, A.; McDonagh, D., Product handling and visual evaluation to support new product development. In the Proceedings (McCabe, P.T., Hanson, M.A.; Robertson, S. A., Eds.) of the Ergonomic Society 2002 Annual Conference, Cambridge, London, April 3-5, 2002: Taylor and Francis, 2002; 303-308.
- Bruseberg, A.; McDonagh-Philp, D., Focus groups to support the industrial/product designer: A review based on current literature and designers’ feedback. Applied Ergonomics: Human Factors In Technology and Society, 2002, 33 (1), 27-38.
- Denton, H.; McDonagh, D., Learning from each other: a company and undergraduate designers work together in the process of initial idea generation. In the proceedings (Pavlova, M.; Gurevich, M., Eds.) of the 1st Biennial International Conference on Technology Education, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 10-13, 2002; 66-78.
- Langford, J.; McDonagh, D., What can focus groups offer us? In the Proceedings (McCabe, P.T., Hanson, M.A.; Robertson, S. A., Eds.) of the Ergonomic Society 2002 Annual Conference, Cambridge, London, April 3-5, 2002: Taylor and Francis, 2002; 502-506. 
- McDonagh, D.; Bruseberg, A.; Haslam, C., Visual evaluation: exploring users’ emotional relationships with products. Applied ergonomics: Human Factors in Technology and Society, 2002, 33 (3), 221-240.
- McDonagh, D.; Rutherford, S.; Solomonides, I., Are the best designers from earth, Mars or Venus? An analysis of gender differences.  In the Proceedings (McCabe, P.T., Hanson, M.A.; Robertson, S. A., Eds.) of the Ergonomic Society 2002 Annual Conference, Cambridge, London, April 3-5, 2002: Taylor and Francis, 2002; 502-506.
- Storer, I.; McDonagh, D., Embracing user-centered design: the Real experience. In the Proceedings (McCabe, P.T., Hanson, M.A.; Robertson, S. A., Eds.) of the Ergonomic Society 2002 Annual Conference, Cambridge, London, April 3-5, 2002: Taylor and Francis, 2002; 309-313. 
- Weightman, D.; McDonagh, D., In the future, design will be just for you. In the proceedings of the International Conference for Universal Design, Yokohama, Japan, 2002; Conference committee, Nov. 30-Dec 4, 2002; CD Rom, 2002; 377-385.
- Woodcock, A.; Torrens, G.; McDonagh, D., Packaging for all: does it help or hinder the elderly user? In the proceedings of the International Conference for Universal Design, Yokohama, Japan, 2002; Conference committee, Nov. 30-Dec 4, 2002; CD Rom, 2002; 597-605.
- Bruseberg, A.; McDonagh-Philp, D., New product development by eliciting user experience and aspirations. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 2001, 55 (4), 435-452.
- Garner, S.; McDonagh-Philp, D., Problem interpretation and resolution via visual stimuli: the use of ‘mood boards’ in design education. The Journal of Art and Design Education, 2001, 20 (1), 57-64.
- Torrens, G. E.; McDonagh-Philp, D., Handle with care: getting a grip on specialist cutlery design. NewDesign Magazine, 2001, 3, 54.
- Torrens, G. E.; McDonagh-Philp, D.; Newman, A., Getting a grip: the evaluation of a theoretical model of hand and object interaction. The Ergonomics in Design: The Magazine of Human Factors Applications, 2001, 9 (2), 7-13.
- Baker, S.; Wormald, P.; McDonagh-Philp, D.; Denton, H.,  Sthira, sukha: introducing industrial design undergraduates to softer design issues. International Conference on Design Education, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, Dec. 11-13, 2000; 94-102.
- Lebbon, C.; McDonagh-Philp, D., Exploring the emotional relationship between the user and products. In Designing for the 21st Century II: An International Conference on Universal Design, June 14-18, 2000, Providence, Rhode Island.
- McDonagh-Philp, D., Can designers transcend their own gender and design effectively for others?  NewDesign Magazine, 2000, 1, 32-34.
- McDonagh-Philp, D., Undergraduate design research: a case study. In Collaborative Design, Scrivener S.; Ball; Woodcock, A., Eds.; Springer-Verlag, 2000. In the Proceedings of the International Conference of the Design Research Society with the Design Education Association, U.K., Sept. 11-13, 2000; 493-500.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Bruseberg, A., Focus groups to support new product development. Engineering Designer: Institution of Engineering Designers Journal, 2000, 26 (5), 4-9.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Denton, H., User-centred design: developing the student designer's empathic horizons. In Design and Technology International Millennium Conference 2000, Institute of Education, London, April 2000; The Design and Technology Association; 111-115.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Denton, H.; Bruseberg, A., Use and evaluation of focus group technique: the undergraduate industrial designer experience. The Journal of the National Association for Design Education, 2000, 8, 17-26.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Lebbon, C., The emotional domain in product design. The Design Journal, 2000, 16 (1), 31-43.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Torrens, G., What do British soldiers want from their gloves? In the Proceedings (McCabe, P.T.; Hanson, M.A.; Robertson, S.A., Eds.) of the Ergonomic  Society 2000 Annual Conference, Grantham, April 4-6, 2000; Taylor and Francis, London, 2000; 349-353.
- Wormald, P.; McDonagh-Philp, D., Design competitions at undergraduate level: are there benefits to be gained? International Conference on Design Education, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, Dec. 11-13, 2000; 407-414.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Lebbon, C.; Torrens, G., An evidence based design method within a user-centred approach. In the Proceedings of the 4th Asian Design Conference International Symposium on Design Science; Program committee of the 4th Asian Design Conference (CD Rom), Japan, Oct., 1999.
- McDonagh-Philp, D., User evaluation techniques applied to small domestic appliances: a pilot study. In the Proceedings (Lindemann U.; Birkhofer H.; Meerkamm, H.; Vajna, S., Eds.) of the International Conference of Engineering Design, (3) Technische Universitat Munchen, Germany, August, 1999; 1525-1546.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Denton, H., Using focus groups to support the designer in the evaluation of existing products: A case study. The Design Journal, 1999, 2 (2), 20-31.
- McDonagh-Philp, D.; Wormald, P., An approach to breaking down barriers to innovative thought for design students. The Journal of Design and Technology: The DATA Journal, 1999, 4 (1), 65-69.