Daniel G. Morrow
Professor Emeritus
Primary Affiliation
Cognition, Lifespan Engagement, Aging, and ResilienceAffiliations
Status Part-time Faculty
Home Department of Educational Psychology
Phone 300-0915
Email dgm@illinois.edu
Address 2021 Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
Dan Morrow received his Ph.D. (Cognitive Psychology) from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1982. He is a professor at the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois, and a part-time faculty member in the Beckman Institute Human Perception and Performance group. His fields of professional interest are cognitive aging and human factors related to communication in complex tasks.
Editor: Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Volume 8; Associate Editor: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (2009-2013); Editorial Board: Psychology & Aging (2003-2007); NIH/NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship (1983-1984).
Expertise and aging in pilot performance:
Dr. Morrow is investigating conditions under which pilot expertise helps offset age-related declines in cognitive abilities, so that older pilots maintain high levels of performance on piloting tasks related to communication, comprehension, and decision-making. We find that expertise is most likely to mitigate age declines when the task provides domain-relevant environmental support for pilots, such as taking notes while listening to complex Air Traffic Control messages.Health communication:
The goal of this project is to improve the design of health materials in order to increase older adults' comprehension of self-care tasks. In a clinical trial, Dr. Morrow is collaborating with pharmacists and physicians to investigate whether well-designed written instructions (as part of a pharmacist-based educational intervention) improve medication adherence and health outcomes among patients with heart disease.Both projects are funded by NIH.
- Chin, J.; Payne, B. R.; Gao, X.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Morrow, D. G.; Conner-Garcia, T.; Graumlich, J. F.; Murray, M. D., Knowledge Influences Comprehension and Memory for Health Information among Older Adults: Distinguishing the Effects of Domain-General and Domain-Specific Knowledge. Memory 2014, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2014.912331.
- Payne, B. R.; Grison, S.; Gao, X. F.; Christianson, K.; Morrow, D. G.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Aging and Individual Differences in Binding During Sentence Understanding: Evidence from Temporary and Global Syntactic Attachment Ambiguities. Cognition 2014, 130, (2), 157-173, DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2013.10.005.
- Insel, K. C.; Einstein, G. O.; Morrow, D. G.; Hepworth, J. T., A Multifaceted Prospective Memory Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence: Design of a Randomized Control Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2013, 34, (1), 45-52.
- Kannampallil, T.; Waicekauskas, K.; Morrow, D.; Kopren, K.; Fu, W. T., External Tools for Collaborative Medication Scheduling. Cognition Technology & Work 2013, 15, (2), 121-131, DOI: 10.1007/s10111-011-0190-7.
- Morrow, D. G.; Conner-Garcia, T., Improving Comprehension of Medication Information: Implications for Nurse-Patient Communication. Journal of Gerontological Nursing 2013, 39, 22-29.
- Morrow, D. G.; Fischer, U. M., Communication in Socio-Technical Systems, In Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering Lee, J. D., Kirlik, A., Eds.; Oxford University Press, New York, 2013, 178-199.
- Sullivan, K. B.; Feigh, K. M.; Mappus, R.; Durso, F. T.; Fischer, U.; Pop, V.; Mosier, K. L.; Morrow, D. G., Using Neural Networks to Assess Flight Deck Human-Automation Interaction. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2013, 114, 26-35, DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2012.12.005.
- Morrow, D. G.; Chin, J., Technological Bridges between Health Care Systems and Older Adults, In Engaging Older Adults with Modern Technology: Internet Use and Information Access Needs; Hill, R., Zheng, R., Gardner, M., Eds.; IGI Publishing, Hershey, PA, 2012, 59-79.
- Morrow, D. G.; Conner-Garcia, T.; Graumlich, J. F.; Wolf, M. S.; McKeever, S.; Madison, A.; Davis, K.; Wilson, E. A. H.; Liao, V.; Chin, C. L.; Kaiser, D., An EMR-Based Tool to Support Collaborative Planning for Medication Use among Adults with Diabetes: Design of a Multi-Site Randomized Control Trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2012, 33, (5), 1023-1032.
- Morrow, D.; D'Andrea, L.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Shake, M.; Bertel, S.; Chin, J.; Kopren, K.; Gao, X. F.; Conner-Garcia, T.; Graumlich, J.; Murray, M., Comprehension of Multimedia Health Information among Older Adults with Chronic Illness. Visual Communication 2012, 11, (3), 347-362.
- Nokes-Malach, T. J.; Meade, M. L.; Morrow, D. G., The Effect of Expertise on Collaborative Problem Solving. Thinking & Reasoning 2012, 18, (1), 32-58.
- Noureldin, M.; Plake, K. S.; Morrow, D. G.; Tu, W. Z.; Wu, J. W.; Murray, M. D., Effect of Health Literacy on Drug Adherence in Patients with Heart Failure. Pharmacotherapy 2012, 32, (9), 819-826.
-  Morrow, D., Expertise and Age Differences in Pilot Decision Making. Gerontologist 2011, 51, 552-552.
- Chin, J.; Morrow, D. G.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Conner-Garcia, T.; Graumlich, J. F.; Murray, M. D., The Process-Knowledge Model of Health Literacy: Evidence from a Componential Analysis of Two Commonly Used Measures. Journal of Health Communication 2011, 16, 222-241.
- Kannampallil, T. G.; Waicekauskas, K.; Morrow, D. G.; Kopren, K. M.; Fu, W.-T., External Tools for Collaborative Medication Scheduling, In Cognition, Technology & Work; Springer-Verlag, London, 2011.
- Morrow, D. G.; Durso, F. T., Health Care Research That Delivers: Introduction to the Special Issue on Cognitive Factors in Health Care. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied 2011, 17, (3), 191-194.
- Morrow, D. G.; Fischer, U. M., Communication in socio-technical systems. In Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering Lee, J. D.; Kirlik, A., Eds. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, 2010.
- Morrow, D. G.; Wilson, E. H., Medication adherence among older adults: a systems perspective. In Aging in America Volume II:  Physical and Mental Health, Cavanaugh, J. C.; Cavanaugh, C. K., Eds. Praeger: Santa Barbara, CA,2010; pp 211-239.
- D'Andrea, L.; Kopren, K.; Chin, J.; Shake, M.; Morrow, D. G.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Bertel, S.; Conner-Garcia, T.; Graumlich, J.; Murray, M. D. Impact of Health Knowledge on Older Adults' Comprehension of Multimedia Health Information, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society: Santa Monica, 2010; pp 180-184.
- Waicekauskas, K.; Kannampallil, T.; Morrow, D. G.; Kopren, K.; Fu, W. Collaborative Tools for a Stimulated Patient-Provider Medication Scheduling Task, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society: Santa Monica, CA, 2010; pp 1936-1940.
- Katz, A. J.; Morrow, D.; Tu, W. Z.; Wu, J. W.; Murray, M. D., Effect of Health Literacy on Adherence in Heart Failure Patients. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2009, 18, S141-S142.
- Meade, M. L.; Nokes, T. J.; Morrow, D. G., Expertise promotes facilitation on a collaborative memory task. Memory 2009, 17, (1), 39-48.
- Morrow, D. G.; Miller, L. M. S.; Ridolfo, H. E.; Magnor, C.; Fischer, U. M.; Kokayeff, N. K.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Expertise and age differences in pilot decision making. Aging, Cognition, & Neuropsychology 2009, 16, 33-35.
- Murray, M. D.; Tu, W.; Wu, J.; Morrow, D. G.; Smith, F.; Brater, C., Factors associated with exacerbation of heart failure include treatment adherence and health literacy skills. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2009, 85, (6), 651-658.
- Parisi, J. M.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Noh, S. R.; Morrow, D. G., Predispositional engagement, activity engagement and cognition in older adults. Aging, Cognition, & Neuropsychology 2009, 16, 485-504.
- Levinthal, B. R.; Morrow, D. G.; Tu, W.; Wu, J.; Young, J.; Weiner, M.; Murray, M. D., Cognition and health literacy in patients with hypertension. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2008, 23, 1172-1176.
- Morrow, D. G.; Rogers, W. A., Environmental support: An integrative framework. Human Factors 2008, 50, (4), 589-613.
- Morrow, D.; Raquel, L.; Schriver, A.; Redenbo, S.; Rozovski, D.; Weiss, G., External support for collaborative problem solving in a simulated provider/patient medication scheduling task. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied 2008, 14, (3), 288-297.
- Morrow, D.; Wickens, C.; Rantanen, E.; Chang, D.; Marcus, J., Designing external aids that support older pilots' communication. International Journal of Aviation Psychology 2008, 18, (2), 167-182.
- Parisi, J.; Stine-Morrow, E.; Janke, M.; Morrow, D.; Payne, L., Determinants and Effects of Engagement in Adulthood. Gerontologist 2008, 48, 224-224.
- Schriver, A. T.; Morrow, D. G.; Wickens, C. D.; Talleur, D. A., Expertise Differences in Attentional Strategies Related to Pilot Decision Making. Human Factors 2008, 50, (6), 864-878.
- Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Parisi, J. M.; Morrow, D. G.; Park, D. C., The Effects of an Engaged Lifestyle on Cognitive Vitality: A Field Experiment. Psychology and Aging 2008, 23, (4), 778-786.
- Morrow, D. G.; Schriver, A. T., External support for pilot communication: Implications for age-related design. Cognitive Technology 2007, 12, 21-30.
- Morrow, D. G.; Weiner, M.; Steinley, D.; Young, J.; Murray, M. D., Patients' health literacy and experience with instructions - Influence preferences for heart failure medication instructions. Journal of Aging and Health 2007, 19, (4), 575-593.
- Murray, M. D.; Young, J.; Hoke, S.; Tu, W.; Weiner, M.; Morrow, D. G.; Stroupe, K.; Wu, J.; Clark, D.; Smith, F. A.; Gradus-Pizlo, I.; Weinberger, M.; Brater, C., Pharmacist intervention to improve medication adherence in heart failure: A randomized trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 2007, 146, 714-725
- Noh, S. R.; Shake, M. C.; Parisi, J. M.; Joncich, A. D.; Morrow, D. G.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., Age differences in learning from text: The effects of content preexposure on reading. International Journal of Behavioral Development 2007, 31, (2), 133-148.
- Sirven, J. I.; Morrow, D. G., Fly the graying skies - A question of competency vs age. Neurology 2007, 68, (9), 630-631.
- Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.; Parisi, J. M.; Morrow, D. G.; Greene, J.; Park, D.C., An engagement model of cognitive optimization through adulthood. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 2007, 62B, 62-69.
- Morrow, D.; Clark, D.; Tu, W. Z.; Wu, J. W.; Weiner, M.; Steinley, D.; Murray, M. D., Correlates of health literacy in patients with chronic heart failure. Gerontologist 2006, 46, (5), 669-676.
- Morrow, D.G., Weiner, M., Deer, M., McGuire, P., Young, J., Dunn, S., and Murray, M. (2004), "Patient-centered Instructions for Medications Prescribed for the Treatment of Heart Failure," The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, 2, pp. 44-52.
- Murray, M.D., Morrow, D.G., Weiner, M., Clark, D., Tu, W., Deer, M., Brater, C., and Weinberger, M. (2004), "A Conceptual Framework to Study Medication Adherence in Older Adults," The American Journal of Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, 2, pp. 36-43.
- Morrow, D.G., Menard, W., Ridolfo, H., Sanborn, A., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Magnor, C., Herman, L., Teller, T., and Bryant, D. (2003), "Environmental Support Promotes Expertise-based Mitigation of Age Differences on Pilot Communication Tasks," Psychology and Aging, 18, pp. 268-284.
- Morrow, D.G., Menard, W., Ridolfo, H., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Teller, T., and Bryant, D. (2003), "Expertise, Cognitive Ability, and Aging in Pilot Communication," International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 13, pp. 345-371.
- Morrow, D.G., Ridolfo, H.E., Menard, W.E., & Leirer, V.O. (2003), "Arriving Prepared: Automated Reminders Improve Adherence to Pre-appointment Procedures," Gerontechnology, 2, pp. 247-254.
- Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Morrow, D.G., and Leno, R. (2002), "Aging and Resource Allocation to the Situation Model in Narrative Understanding," Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 57/B, pp. 291-297.