Status Full-time Faculty
Home Department of Bioengineering
Phone 244-5154
Email bsutton@illinois.edu
Address 1215C Beckman Institute, 405 North Mathews Avenue
- Fabiani, M.; Gordon, B. A.; Maclin, E. L.; Pearson, M. A.; Brumback-Peltz, C. R.; Low, K. A.; McAuley, E.; Sutton, B. P.; Kramer, A. F.; Gratton, G., Neurovascular Coupling in Normal Aging: A Combined Optical, ERP and FMRI Study. Neuroimage 2014, 85, 592-607, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.113.
- Johnson, C. L.; Holtrop, J. L.; McGarry, M. D. J.; Weaver, J. B.; Paulsen, K. D.; Georgiadis, J. G.; Sutton, B. P., 3D Multislab, Multishot Acquisition for Fast, Whole-Brain Mr Elastography with High Signal-to-Noise Efficiency. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2014, 71, (2), 477-485, DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25065.
- Radlowski, E. C.; Conrad, M. S.; Lezmi, S.; Dilger, R. N.; Sutton, B.; Larsen, R.; Johnson, R. W., A Neonatal Piglet Model for Investigating Brain and Cognitive Development in Small for Gestational Age Human Infants. Plos One 2014, 9, (3), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091951.
- Zimmerman, B.; Sutton, B. P.; Low, K. A.; Fletcher, M. A.; Tan, C. H.; Schneider-Garces, N.; Li, Y. F.; Ouyang, C.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Cardiorespiratory Fitness Mediates the Effects of Aging on Cerebral Blood Flow. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2014, 6, 13, DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00059.
- Gai, J. D.; Obeid, N.; Holtrop, J. L.; Wu, X. L.; Lam, F.; Fu, M. J.; Haldar, J. P.; Hwu, W. M. W.; Liang, Z. P.; Sutton, B. P., More Impatient: A Gridding-Accelerated Toeplitz-Based Strategy for Non-Cartesian High-Resolution 3D MRI on GPUs. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2013, 73, (5), 686-697.
- Goh, J. O. S.; Hebrank, A. C.; Sutton, B. P.; Chee, M. W. L.; Sim, S. K. Y.; Park, D. C., Culture-Related Differences in Default Network Activity During Visuo-Spatial Judgments. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2013, 8, (2), 134-142.
- Johnson, C. L.; McGarry, M. D. J.; Gharibans, A. A.; Weaver, J. B.; Paulsen, K. D.; Wang, H.; Olivero, W. C.; Sutton, B. P.; Georgiadis, J. G., Local Mechanical Properties of White Matter Structures in the Human Brain. Neuroimage 2013, 79, 145-152, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.089.
- Johnson, C. L.; McGarry, M. D. J.; Van Houten, E. E. W.; Weaver, J. B.; Paulsen, K. D.; Sutton, B. P.; Georgiadis, J. G., Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Brain Using Multishot Spiral Readouts with Self-Navigated Motion Correction. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2013, 70, (2), 404-412, DOI: 10.1002/mrm.24473.
- McGarry, M.; Johnson, C. L.; Sutton, B. P.; Van Houten, E. E. W.; Georgiadis, J. G.; Weaver, J. B.; Paulsen, K. D., Including Spatial Information in Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography Using Soft Prior Regularization. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2013, 32, (10), 1901-1909, DOI: 10.1109/tmi.2013.2268978.
- Ouyang, C.; Sutton, B. P., Optimizing Ptilt Perfusion Imaging in the Presence of Off-Resonance Frequency. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2013, 38, (1), 210-216, DOI: 10.1002/jMRI.23968.
- Sadeh, N.; Spielberg, J. M.; Heller, W.; Herrington, J. D.; Engels, A. S.; Warren, S. L.; Crocker, L. D.; Sutton, B. P.; Miller, G. A., Emotion Disrupts Neural Activity During Selective Attention in Psychopathy. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2013, 8, (3), 235-246.
- Spielberg, J. M.; De Leon, A. A.; Bredemeier, K.; Heller, W.; Engels, A. S.; Warren, S. L.; Crocker, L. D.; Sutton, B. P.; Miller, G. A., Anxiety Type Modulates Immediate Versus Delayed Engagement of Attention-Related Brain Regions. Brain Behavior 2013, 3, (5), 532-551.
- Voss, M. W.; Heo, S.; Prakash, R. S.; Erickson, K. I.; Alves, H.; Chaddock, L.; Szabo, A. N.; Mailey, E. L.; Wojcicki, T. R.; White, S. M.; Gothe, N.; McAuley, E.; Sutton, B. P.; Kramer, A. F., The Influence of Aerobic Fitness on Cerebral White Matter Integrity and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Results of a One-Year Exercise Intervention. Human Brain Mapping 2013, 34, (11), 2972-2985, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.22119.
- Warren, S. L.; Crocker, L. D.; Spielberg, J. M.; Engels, A. S.; Banich, M. T.; Sutton, B. P.; Miller, G. A.; Heller, W., Cortical Organization of Inhibition-Related Functions and Modulation by Psychopathology. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2013, 7, DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00271.
- Chen, Y.; Sutton, B.; Conway, C.; Broglio, S. P.; Ostoja-Starzewski, M., Brain Deformation under Mild Impact: Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Assessment and Finite Element Study. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling Series B 2012, 3, (1), 20-35.
- Cheng, O. Y.; Sutton, B. P., Localized Blood Flow Imaging Using Quantitative Flow-Enhanced Signal Intensity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2012, 67, (3), 660-668.
- Erickson, K. I.; Weinstein, A. M.; Sutton, B. P.; Prakash, R. S.; Voss, M. W.; Chaddock, L.; Szabo, A. N.; Mailey, E. L.; White, S. M.; Wojcicki, T. R.; McAuley, E.; Kramer, A. F., Beyond Vascularization: Aerobic Fitness Is Associated with N-Acetylaspartate and Working Memory. Brain Behavior 2012, 2, (1), 32-41.
- Johnson, C. L.; Chen, D. D.; Olivero, W. C.; Sutton, B. P.; Georgiadis, J. G., Effect of Off-Frequency Sampling in Magnetic Resonance Elastography. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2012, 30, (2), 205-212.
- McGarry, M. D. J.; Van Houten, E. E. W.; Johnson, C. L.; Georgiadis, J. G.; Sutton, B. P.; Weaver, J. B.; Paulsen, K. D., Multiresolution MR Elastography Using Nonlinear Inversion. Medical Physics 2012, 39, (10), 6388-6396.
- Ofori, E.; Holtrop, J. L.; Barbey, A. K.; Sutton, B. P.; Loucks, T. M., Neural Correlates of Manual and Oral Movements in Young and Older Adults. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2012, 34, S174-S175.
- Spielberg, J. M.; Miller, G. A.; Warren, S. L.; Engels, A. S.; Crocker, L. D.; Banich, M. T.; Sutton, B. P.; Heller, W., A Brain Network Instantiating Approach and Avoidance Motivation. Psychophysiology 2012, 49, (9), 1200-1214.
- Spielberg, J. M.; Miller, G. A.; Warren, S. L.; Engels, A. S.; Crocker, L. D.; Sutton, B. P.; Heller, W., Trait Motivation Moderates Neural Activation Associated with Goal Pursuit. Cognitive Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience 2012, 12, (2), 308-322.
- Versluis, M. J.; Sutton, B. P.; de Bruin, P. W.; Bornert, P.; Webb, A. G.; van Osch, M. J., Retrospective Image Correction in the Presence of Nonlinear Temporal Magnetic Field Changes Using Multichannel Navigator Echoes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2012, 68, (6), 1836-1845.
- Akrofi , K.; Sutton, B. P.; Ouyang , C.; Husain, F. T. Cluster Sizes in Interleaved Silent Steady State (Isss) Imaging,Conference Proceedings IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biological Society (EMBC),   Boston, MA, 2011, 7001-7004.
- Bae, Y.; Kuehn, D. P.; Conway, C. A.; Sutton, B. P., Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Velopharyngeal Activities with Simultaneous Speech Recordings. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 2011, 48, (6), 695-707.
- Bae, Y.; Kuehn, D. P.; Sutton, B. P.; Conway, C. A.; Perry, J. L., Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Velopharyngeal Structures. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research 2011, 54, (6), 1538-1545.
- Chee, M. W. L.; Zheng, H.; Goh, J. O. S.; Park, D.; Sutton, B. P., Brain Structure in Young and Old East Asians and Westerners: Comparisons of Structural Volume and Cortical Thickness. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2011, 23, (5), 1065-1079.
- Cheng, O. Y.; Sutton, B. P., Pseudo-Continuous Transfer Insensitive Labeling Technique. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2011, 66, (3), 768-776.
- Malandraki, G. A.; Perlman, A. L.; Karampinos, D. C.; Sutton, B. P., Reduced Somatosensory Activations in Swallowing With Age. Human Brain Mapping 2011, 32, (5), 730-743.
- Paine, T. L.; Conway, C. A.; Malandraki, G. A.; Sutton, B. P., Simultaneous Dynamic and Functional MRI Scanning (SimulScan) of Natural Swallows. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2011, 65, (5), 1247-1252.
- Perry, J. L.; Kuehn, D. P.; Sutton, B. P.; Goldwasser, M. S.; Jerez, A. D., Craniometric and Velopharyngeal Assessment of Infants With and Without Cleft Palate. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2011, 22, (2), 499-503.
- Silton, R. L.; Heller, W.; Engels, A. S.; Towers, D. N.; Spielberg, J. M.; Edgar, J. C.; Sass, S. M.; Stewart, J. L.; Sutton, B. P.; Banich, M. T.; Miller, G. A., Depression and Anxious Apprehension Distinguish Frontocingulate Cortical Activity During Top-Down Attentional Control. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2011, 120, (2), 272-285.
- Spielberg, J. M.; Miller, G. A.; Engels, A. S.; Herrington, J. D.; Sutton, B. P.; Banich, M. T.; Heller, W., Trait approach and avoidance motivation: Lateralized neural activity associated with executive function. Neuroimage 2011, 54, (1), 661-670.
- Suzuki, A.; Goh, J. O. S.; Hebrank, A.; Sutton, B. P.; Jenkins, L.; Flicker, B. A.; Park, D. C., Sustained Happiness? Lack of Repetition Suppression in Right-Ventral Visual Cortex for Happy Faces. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2011, 6, (4), 434-441.
- Van, A. T.; Hernando, D.; Sutton, B. P., Motion-Induced Phase Error Estimation and Correction in 3d Diffusion Tensor Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2011, 30, (11), 1933-1940.
- Vo, L. T. K.; Walther, D. B.; Kramer, A. F.; Erickson, K. I.; Boot, W. R.; Voss, M. W.; Prakash, R. S.; Lee, H.; Fabiani, M.; Gratton, G.; Simons, D. J.; Sutton, B. P.; Wang, M. Y., Predicting Individuals' Learning Success from Patterns of Pre-Learning MRI Activity. PLOS One 2011, 6, (1).
- Engels, A. S.; Heller, W.; Spielberg, J. M.; Warren, S. L.; Sutton, B. P.; Banich, M. T.; Miller, G. A., Co-occurring anxiety influences patterns of brain activity in depression. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience 2010, 10, (1), 141-156.
- Goh, J. O.; Leshikar, E. D.; Sutton, B. P.; Tan, J. C.; Sim, S. K.; Hebrank, A. C.; Park, D. C., Culture differences in neural processing of faces and houses in the ventral visual cortex. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2010,5, (2-3), 227-35.
- Heo, S.; Prakash, R. S.; Voss, M. W.; Erickson, K. I.; Ouyang, C.; Sutton, B. P.; Kramer, A. F., Resting hippocampal blood flow, spatial memory and aging. Brain Research 2010, 1315, 119-127.
- John, R.; Rezaeipoor, R.; Adie, S. G.; Chaney, E. J.; Oldenburg, A. L.; Marjanovic, M.; Haldar, J. P.; Sutton, B. P.; Boppart, S. A., In vivo magnetomotive optical molecular imaging using targeted magnetic nanoprobes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2010, 107, (18), 8085-8090.
- Karampinos, D. C.; King, K. F.; Sutton, B. P.; Georgiadis, J. G., Intravoxel Partially Coherent Motion Technique: Characterization of the Anisotropy of Skeletal Muscle Microvasculature. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2010,31, (4), 942-953.
- Leshikar, E. D.; Gutchess, A. H.; Hebrank, A. C.; Sutton, B. P.; Park, D. C., The impact of increased relational encoding demands on frontal and hippocampal function in older adults. Cortex 2010, 46, (4), 507-521.
- Schneider-Garces, N. J.; Gordon, B. A.; Brumback-Peltz, C. R.; Shin, E.; Lee, Y.; Sutton, B. P.; Maclin, E. L.; Gratton, G.; Fabiani, M., Span, CRUNCH, and Beyond: Working Memory Capacity and the Aging Brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2010, 22, (4), 655-669.
- Silton, R. L.; Heller, W.; Towers, D. N.; Engels, A. S.; Spielberg, J. M.; Edgar, J. C.; Sass, S. M.; Stewart, J. L.; Sutton, B. P.; Banich, M. T.; Miller, G. A., The time course of activity in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex during top-down attentional control. Neuroimage 2010, 50, (3), 1292-1302.
- Malandraki, G. A.; Sutton, B. P.; Perlman, A. L.; Karampinos, D. C., Age-Related Differences in Laterality of Cortical Activations in Swallowing. Dysphagia 2010, 25, (3), 238-249.
- Sutton, B. P.; Conway, C. A.; Bae, Y.; Seethamraju, R.; Kuehn, D. P., Faster Dynamic Imaging of Speech With Field Inhomogeneity Corrected Spiral Fast Low Angle Shot (FLASH) at 3 T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2010, 32, (5), 1228-1237.
- Warren, S. L.; Bost, K. K.; Roisman, G. I.; Silton, R. L.; Spielberg, J. M.; Engels, A. S.; Choi, E.; Sutton, B. P.; Miller, G. A.; Heller, W., Effects of Adult Attachment and Emotional Distractors on Brain Mechanisms of Cognitive Control. Psychological Science 2010, 21, (12), 1818-1826.
- Karampinos, D. C.; King, K. F.; Sutton, B. P.; Georgiadis, J. G., Myofiber Ellipticity as an Explanation for Transverse Asymmetry of Skeletal Muscle Diffusion MRI In Vivo Signal. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2009, 37, (12), 2532-2546.
- Karampinos, D. C.; Van, A. T.; Olivero, W. C.; Georgiadis, J. G.; Sutton, B. P., High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Pons With a Reduced Field-of-View, Multishot, Variable-Density, Spiral Acquisition at 3 T.Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2009, 62, (4), 1007-1016.
- Malandraki, G. A.; Sutton, B. P.; Perlman, A. L.; Karampinos, D. C.; Conway, C., Neural Activation of Swallowing and Swallowing-Related Tasks in Healthy Young Adults: An Attempt to Separate the Components of Deglutition. Human Brain Mapping 2009, 30, (10), 3209-3226.
- Malandraki, G.; Perlman, A.; Sutton, B.; Karampinos, D., Age Differences in the Neural Activation of Swallowing and Related Tasks. Dysphagia 2009, 24, (4), 452-452.
- Van, A. T.; Karampinos, D. C.; Georgiadis, J. G.; Sutton, B. P., K-Space and Image-Space Combination for Motion-Induced Phase-Error Correction in Self-Navigated Multicoil Multishot DWI. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2009, 28, (11), 1770-1780.
- Erickson, K. I.; Prakash, R. S.; Kim, J. S.; Sutton, B. P.; Colcombe, S. J.; Kramer, A. F., Top-down attentional control in spatially coincident stimuli enhances activity in both task-relevant and task-irrelevant regions of cortex. Behavioural Brain Research 2009, 197, (1), 186-197.
- Hien, N.; Sutton, B.P.; Morrison, R.; Do, M., Joint Estimation and Correction of Susceptibility Artifacts for EPI functional MRI using Harmonic Retrieval. In press, IEEE Trans Med. Imaging, 2009.
- Jacob, M.; Sutton, B. P., Algebraic Decomposition of Fat and Water in MRI. Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging 2009, 28, (2), 173-184.
- Karampinos, D.C.; Van, A.T.; Olivero, W.; Georgiadis, J.G.; Sutton, B.P., High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Pons with a Reduced-FOV Multi-Shot Variable Density Spiral Acquisition at 3 T. In Press, Magn Reson Med, 2009.
- Malandraki, G.A.; Sutton, B.; Perlman, A.L.; Karampinos, D.; Conway, C., Neural activation of swallowing and swallowing-related tasks in healthy adults: An attempt to separate the components of deglutition. In press, Human Brain Mapping, 2009.
- Nguyen, H. M.; Sutton, B. P.; Morrison, R. L.; Do, M. N., Joint Estimation and Correction of Geometric Distortions for EPI Functional MRI Using Harmonic Retrieval. Ieee Transactions on Medical Imaging 2009, 28, (3), 423-434.
- Sutton, B. P.; Ouyang, C.; Karampinos, D. C.; Miller, G. A., Current Trends and Challenges in MRI Acquisitions to Investigate Brain Function. International Journal of Psychophysiology 2009, 73, (1), 33-42.
- Engels, A. S.; Spielberg, J. M.; Warren, S. L.; Sutton, B. P.; Banich, M. T.; Heller, W.; Miller, G. A., Differential functional lateralization in anxiety. Psychophysiology 2008, 45, S29-S29.
- Erickson, K.I.; Prakash, R.S.; Kim, J.S.; Sutton, B.P.; Colcombe, S.J.; Kramer, A.F., Top-down attentional control in spatially coincident stimuli enhances activity in both task-relevant and task-irrelevant regions of cortex. Behav Brain Res. 2008 Aug 29.
- Hernando, D.; Haldar, J. P.; Sutton, B. P.; Ma, J.; Kellman, P.; Liang, Z. P., Joint estimation of water/fat images and field inhomogeneity map. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2008, 59, (3), 571-580.
- Stone, S. S.; Haldar, J. P.; Tsao, S. C.; Hwu, W. M. W.; Sutton, B. P.; Liang, Z. P., Accelerating advanced MRI reconstructions on GPUs. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2008, 68, (10), 1307-1318.
- Sutton, B. P.; Goh, J.; Hebrank, A.; Welsh, R. C.; Chee, M. W. L.; Park, D. C., Investigation and validation of intersite fMRI studies using the same Imaging hardware. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2008, 28, (1), 21-28.
- Gutchess, A. H.; Hebrank, A.; Sutton, B. P.; Leshikar, E.; Chee, M. W. L.; Tan, J. C.; Goh, J. O. S.; Park, D. C., Contextual interference in recognition memory with age. Neuroimage 2007, 35, (3), 1338-1347.
- Miller, G. A.; Elbert, T.; Sutton, B. P.; Heller, W., Innovative clinical assessment technologies: Challenges and opportunities in neuroimaging. Psychological Assessment 2007, 19, (1), 58-73.
- Sutton, B. P.; Ouyang, C.; Ching, B. L.; Ciobanu, L., Functional imaging with FENSI: Flow-enhanced signal intensity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2007, 58, (2), 396-401.
- Chee, M.; Goh, J.; Venkatraman, V.; Tan, J.C.Gutchess, A.; Sutton, B.; Hebrank, A.; Leshikar, E.; Park, D. C., Age related changes in object processing and contextual binding revealed using fMR-adaptation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2006, 18, 495-507.
- Shinkareva, S. V.; Ombao, H. C.; Sutton, B. P.; Mohanty, A.; Miller, G. A., Classification of functional brain images with a spatio-temporal dissimilarity map. Neuroimage 2006, 33, (1), 63-71.
- NIH grant to fund research to investigate how inherent brain activity influences cognition
- Grant supports faster imaging techniques in cleft palate patients
- Illinois units, foundation fund purchase of animal MRI at Beckman Institute
- Brad Sutton named a 2019 University Scholar
- Grants provide $6.5M to study brain and cognitive aging
- Sutton to discuss ‘How Stiff is Your Brain?’ at Oct. 4 Director’s Seminar
- Three startups with Beckman connections chosen for iVenture accelerator
- Beckman researchers among teams awarded allocations on powerful Blue Waters supercomputer
- Sutton awarded Beckman’s Vision and Spirit Award
- Sutton elected a 2018 American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow
- Lam developing advanced imaging techniques to study brain function and characterize diseases
- Bhargava, Sutton to receive funding through Carle Illinois collaborative program
- Eight Beckman researchers among those receiving Blue Waters supercomputer awards
- Four Beckman faculty members receive provost’s distinguished promotion award
- Student teams fare well in local entrepreneurial competition
- Beckman researchers among inaugural faculty for Carle Illinois College of Medicine
- Through PhantomCor, doctors will be able to create 3D model of your heart
- MRI takes to the cloud