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Student Researcher of the Week: Joanne Li

Joanne Li is a Ph.D. candidate in Bioengineering, working in the Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory. 

Published on Sept. 29, 2017
Joanne Li
Name: Joanne Li
Year/Major: Final year/Ph.D. Candidate in Bioengineering
Hometown: Richland, Washington
Lab: Stephen Boppart's Biophotonics Imaging Laboratory
Your research in 30 words or less: My work involves building and utilizing optical imaging system to investigate the cellular dynamics in the microenvironment of non-healing diabetic wounds, and the effect of novel treatments for this disease.
Favorite C-U restaurant: Sakanaya

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  • Marni Boppart
    Marni Boppart's directory photo.