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Interdisciplinary symposium on advanced nano/biosystems

Baoxing Xu and Ilia Solov'yov, two Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows, have organized a conference, set for Sept. 25-27, to highlight the emerging interdisciplinary research areas of nano- and biosystems.

Published on Sept. 24, 2013

The Interdisciplinary Symposium on Advanced Nano/Biosystems: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization is underway, organized by two Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows, Baoxing Xu and Ilia Solov’yov. The conference is Sept. 25-27, and hosts a national audience, with presenters from Columbia University, Harvard, Purdue, MIT, and more.

Nano/bio systems have emerged as highly interdisciplinary research areas in the last few decades, spanning physics, chemistry, biology, mechanics, and material science. Synergizing material design, device fabrication, and system characterization from the nanoscale are fascinating fields that Xu and Solov’yov intend to capture at this symposium. The three-day conference aims to provide a stimulating discussing forum for recent advances in material design, fabrication, and characterization techniques, including experiments, theories, computations, and modeling.

Hosted at the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory (MRL), the two featured speakers are Klaus Schulten, full-time faculty member of the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, on “Computational Microscopy for Health and Technology”; and John Rogers, full-time faculty member of the 3D Micro- and Nanosystems Group, on “Stretchy Electronics That Can Dissolve in Your Body.”

The first two days include oral presentations and discussion, followed by a hands-on simulation tutorial and laboratory demonstration at the MRL on Friday, featuring work at the Beckman Institute and the MRL.

The conference is sponsored in part by the Beckman Institute and the MRL. More information can be found on the conference web site.

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  • Cecilia Leal
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